This blog is intended to be a place where Sonshine Staff can share how we are meeting the risen Lord Jesus in new ways as we allow Him to prepare for service this summer.
Monday, August 15, 2011
It was all way too good to believe. It had to be a dream. In the reality most of the world lives in, everything that happened was unreal. It was amazing! Well beyond what we can ever put to words. But that's who He is.
Today a friend sent me a text that said:
He's the BEST! NO FOOLIN'! No one is greater.
Now that we are all back home, remembering, receiving, and acting in that knowledge will be so much harder as we don't have the immediate fellowship we've been used to. That coupled with the constant distractions of our daily routine, it will become easier to fall into the temptation to believe what happened this summer was just a dream or a distant memory. In the noise of everything else going in our lives, what once was a mighty roar of confidence can become a whisper.
I know I don't want to forget or lose sight of the things I learned this summer. I prayed to be broken and God took that as consent to constantly nun-chuck me in the face with grace.
Like we encourage our campies at the end of the every week: THIS IS NOT THE END TO ANYTHING!
We are still one body in Christ and we are here to hold each other accountable to that. The world kept spinning while we were away and God has placed us where we are to love and serve in the same way we aspired to do on the water. Our motives were to glorify our Lord with every action. We've been placed where we are to befriend, encourage, model and challenge EVERYONE we can! In that way, we live in the command to love as He has loved us. Our validation is in Him alone. We will strive to bring out the best in others, even if it means looking completely ridiculous in the attempt to do so. It's not about us! We've already died to ourselves. In that death is freedom and in that freedom is everlasting joy.
That's the truth I've learned and that's the truth I'm going to challenge myself to cling to and live in despite whatever circumstances. It's daunting to think about, but God has delivered us each other to stand strong together as we did this summer.
For whoever wants to continue on our journey together, we'll be starting a new devo blog that starts next Monday. We're going to be going through the I AM Statements together and I'm so excited to hear from all of you again! Micaela is setting it up, so it should be great. If you'd like to join us, leave your email address in a comment box. YAAAAAY!!! :D I love you all and miss you so much.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Chosen and Sent Out
On my ride back home, I got lost in those thoughts and eventually I came back to Christ. I shouldn't be upset to leave any of you but instead I should be joyful to be sent out with you! This morning, I was thinking about it and we have over 100 staff members. Each of us knows well over 100 people that we see on a regular basis and we all come in to contact with thousands more everyday on the street. The potentional there for divine appointment, intervention, and opportunity is overwhelming, especially now that we are coming out of such an inspiriational retreat together!
When I linger on the selfish thought of wanting to be with you all on an immediate basis, I'm focusing on myself and forgetting that God connects us all on a spiritual basis. WE ARE NEVER ALONE! Even when we feel lonely, sad or uncomfortable.
We still have some time before we all have to report to the docks at our respective times and in that time we can still encourage each other and lift each other up in the name of our Lord!
Here's my two cents from a quiet time this morning:
Deuteronomy 7:6-8
For you are a holy people, who belong to the Lord your God. Of all the people on earth, The Lord your God has chosen YOU to be his own special treasure. The Lord did not choose you to lavish his love on you because you were larger or greater than other nations, for you were the smallest of all nations. It was simply because the Lord loves you...
John 15:15-17
I no longer call you servants. Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me. You didn't choose me. I CHOSE YOU. I appointed you to go and produce fruit that will last and, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask, using my name. I COMMAND YOU TO LOVE EACH OTHER!
We weren't chosen by Sonshine! And we aren't here to serve a camp. We were chosen and sent out to serve and love everyone in the name of Jesus Christ who has served and loved in the most humiliating way!
Although I said I wanted to continue from where we left off yesterday morning at the docks, I've come to the realization that we alreadly are continuing on together! This is how the story progresses. God has just called to be a way from each other for a short time and even in that distance, we are still as one in Christ.
I love you guys and miss you all already. But through prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit we are still connected and together.
Let me know how I can be praying for you please!!!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Hmmm...What Should I Wear Today??
This is one of my all time favorite verses. This past year as a Resident Adviser for a hall of 46 freshman women at APU, I used Colossians 3:12-14 as my hall verse. The hall theme was "Beloved" and in several other translations of this verse, the authors replaces the words "dearly loved" in verse 12 with "beloved." I thought I'd share this verse with you all because I thought it fit in pretty well with this week's topic of modesty.
Throughout this past school year, I tried to incorporate Colossians 3:12-14 into several events with my girls. One of the events we did was a challenge week where I challenged the girls to cover their mirrors, not wear make-up, and wear the same basic outfit for an entire week. Yeah, it was hard to do, but in that week we tore apart this verse together and challenged each other to focus on wearing something different that week. We talked about the importance of CHOOSING to clothe ourselves in those virtues and CHOOSING to put on love. We talked about how those are so much more important than the clothes we wear and the make-up we put on our face. The more we dig deeper into Christ and the more we let the Holy Spirit work in us, those virtues will start to become more natural aspects of our character. Our value does not lie in what we look like, but from what is within us. We are valuable simply because we are HIS! It is a concept that I don't think I'll ever fully understand, but the more and more I try to live out being a beloved daughter of a mighty MIGHTY God, the more and more I will be wearing compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.
See you all later tonight :)
Thursday, May 26, 2011
To Love and To Trust God with All My Heart, Mind, and Strength?
I am so excited to see you all tomorrow. I hope you all are excited to see each other again, train for your service this summer, and grow in the Lord! I have enjoyed getting to know you all these past few months. Thank you for all your participation and diligence in getting your paperwork done, in raising money for campers, and in pouring into the devotional and blog. Thank you! Continue to ask for support in regards to the RWJ and continue to pray for this summer.
I am deeply convinced that the Lord desires to use you and grow you in understanding his work and his character!
Love you all!!!!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Modest Simplicity
"The temptation occurs when the disciple desires for people to lust over the disciple's ideas ABOUT GOD instead of falling in love WITH GOD. Please cloak your brilliant insights about Christ with modest simplicity".
The concept of being modestly simplicitic is so intreaging to me. I remember that this topic was really impactful for a lot of you during the training weekend. There are two common scenarios that we can fall in when it comes to applying knowledge. I think we either 1) Loose ourselves in trying to be, sound, or appear highly spiritual with our words, or 2) We feel inadequate about the lack of knowledge we feel we have about our faith. I know that I can fall into both of these from time to time. I think I've come to the conclusion that both perspectives are missing the mark a little and can cause us to fix our attention on ourselves and off of Christ. We are called to share about Christ, but when we fixate so much about how we appear that we take all the focus off of Him. We all can fall into these and need to take on the art of being modestly simplistic.
Its important to share truth, but when we do it modestly it provides a gentle atmosphere for people to learn about God with out being intimidated. Being modest also gives us freedom in sharing truth. We can be modest and not play into the pressure that we have to share a bunch of knowledge. We are free to share bits and pieces that we have learned along the way, and that's it.
I hope this encourages some of you. I know there are times where we feel inadequate or like we lack knowledge and faith. But we are called to be modest and some times "short and sweet" can be more impactful then anything. Trust that you can share the things you've learned and know about God, no matter how great or small.
I am really liking this concept of being Modestly simplistic!!!!
Love you all!
His grace is enough
Paul says in 2 Corinthians 12 that “when I am weak, I am strong”. This makes sense only when one believes and accepts the fact that when we are weak, God is strong, strongest, and is strong for us. His grace is enough to hold us over forever. We do not need to be strong, that is God’s job.
How can someone be a good listener when they are always busy talking about themselves? Modesty is an issue I have seen myself struggle with over the years. I don’t know why, as I cannot really think of anything to boast about. But anyways, the fact that I Corinthians 10:23 is being used to help outline modesty is very interesting. But it makes complete sense. Sure you can boast and it may be the truth and nothing truly bad will probably come from it, but is it necessary? Will it bring good to others? We are here to help and bring good to others, and boasting does not do that, so we shouldn’t boast. It seems like such a simple thing to not do; yet it can seem so easy to talk about ourselves sometimes. Listening is always more fun than talking anyways.
God’s grace is enough, it is plenty enough for us, and I am thankful for that.
I cannot wait to finally meet and fellowship with all of you this weekend!! See you soon!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Grow in Weakness
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
The hardest simple decision you'll ever make
Enter post title here
Monday, May 16, 2011
Little ones to him belong for they are weak and he is strong...
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Luke 2:49
Is the Son of God living in His Father's house in me?
Oh, how I want to be identified with the Lord's life in me, continually talking to Him and realizing that all things come from His hands! At times we wonder why we go through the things we do. Maybe it is not that we have to go through them, but rather, those trials and circumstances are God's way of entering into and dwelling in our lives in a very pointed, purposeful, and intimate way - an invasion of sorts. If we could just let Him have His way, and keep in perfect union with Him!
"I had to be in my Father's house." When Jesus said this, I believe He was also saying, "I must be about My Father's business." God is in the business of people. He entered people's lives, He lived among them. The way He worked and lived among men must be the way He lives in us.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Let It Be
Shakespeare was right when he wrote that into his play, Hamlet. It is a crucial question of life and often our society chooses the not to be. One of the most difficult things to do in this world is BE. We don't like to wait. We don't like to be patient, and it's hard to be patient. I think that if we as Christians really tried to put the spiritual discipline of patience into practice, so many things would change. As I'm thinking back on the life of Jesus, I realize he was so good at stopping for the one. The one dying man, the one sick leper, the one hurting woman. When was the last time you remember stopping your busy, hectic life for one person? When was the last time you put your agenda aside and let God's agenda take the lead? If you're like me and are having a hard time remembering the last time you did, or you can only remember a few times you did, then maaaaaaybe you and I should both re-prioritize a little bit. But it's so much harder to do right? It's hard to give up out precious precious time. What would happen if you did stop? What if the person asks you for money? What if they make you (dare I say it) uncomfortable? What if they make you late?!?!?!
Or what if they ask you about Jesus and you get to share your testimony? What if all that person needs is for someone to tell them that they matter and you save their life?
The Beatles were totes preaching it when they wrote Let It Be - "speaking words of wisdom LET IT BE"
I know God has been singing that song to me for a while trying to get the message across. Asking me, BEGGING me to just stop my day and be. I can't tell you how refreshing, wonderful and important it is to just *inhale* *exhale* and let God take control. It's scary, and I'm not very good at it, but every day I'm trying more and more to just be and let God take the lead.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Being Entirely Present: A Personal Inventory
I'm a very thoughtful person. I'm almost always shut up in my head. When that happens, the rest of me(my body and soul) goes into an auto-pilot. I'm not thinking about what I'm doing, just doing it. My thoughts are somewhere else, so therefore I'm not present with where I am.
Wednesday night, I realized that my thoughts had become so overwhelming that I couldn't hear God's voice anymore- even in worship, where I can hear Him the most at times. I was so distracted and focused on myself that I couldn't feel Him even if I tried.
After my midweek college group, I was chatting it up with a friend and when I told her I had to go, she said, "Live for today, Jonathan." And I was taken back. I know what she meant was stay and hang out with us but what I heard was, "Get your mind out tomorrow and yesterday"...
I went home that night and felt convicted to do a full inventory of my thoughts, doubts and worries. I filled 3 pages in my prayer journal and going through it all was painful but necessary.
Through that process I took every thought captive and handed them over to God. I realized that most of my worries are out my control and there is nothing I do about them and in realizing that I was able to trust with God with them because I know He is in control. I was able to see the things around me again! I became entirely present.
That days devotional was so perfect for what God did for me that night.
1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:1-2, New International Version)
Hey guys!
So I know that this post is way past due but I’ve been having a hard time getting to a computer since my Macbook pro was stolen 3 weeks ago. But I can’t for the retreat so I can finally get to meet all of you in person! This summer is going to be incredible!
Tuesday’s devotion really hit me hard. 1 Corinthians 13:3 states that, “If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames but have not love, I gain nothing.” Being involved in youth group, bible studies and doing charity work here at Davis is great but sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in going through the motions. If I am inviting people to youth group or going out and preaching to the homeless in San Fran but do it out of a feeling of obligation and out of love then, “I am nothing.” GOD IS LOVE and so often we forget that we are called to be a reflection of Him, to be made a new and to share that love with everyone that we come in contact with. It’s easy to get caught up in doing good works and looking like a “good Christian” but it is about so much more than that. Christ wants us to give without expecting anything back, to help out when no one is looking, and above all else, do these things because we genuinely love people so much that it breaks our hearts to not act out of love. The light in us should “permeate” through us and “recreate-those around us” like weeks 8’s devotion on sensitivity said. The love that we omit should be an open door for us to reach people because who doesn’t want to be loved? “Love is the final fight” (Jon Perkins) and without love works mean nothing.
Ok now that i got that out, discipline is both a strength and weakness for me in both my everyday and spiritual life. I dont like being told what to do, and its ironic that im postin this on a Shasta blog because last summer as a camper i coined my phrase"i have problem with authority" just to clarify i didnt disobey the barney driver or authority figure in any harmful way. i enjoy doing my own thing and living my life. However when God came into the picture things changed, i now had to choose to obey him or not. Its sometimes a struggle with God to do what he asks of me, especially when its out of my comfort zone. but i know that i have to trust him in all i do because he has a plan for me. Even posting on the blog itself is a struggle because its out of my comfort zone, thankfully no one directly told me i had to post, but being the awesome people that they are supported me in doing so. like that, God supports me throughout my day. Also, when i think about discipline and how it applies to my relationship with God i think of how the disciples willingly followed Jesus and in the same way i should follow God.
Frank S
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Amanda Morris | Ca | Fresno | 559-353-1665 | FIRST SES. DELTA Barnabas | |
Haley Ross | CA | Carmel | 831-241-4686 | FIRST SES. DELTA Barnabas | |
Joy Brusenback | Ca | Clovis | 559-940-1470 | FIRST SES. DELTA Barnabas | |
Katie Anema | CA | Lodi | 209-263-1391 | FIRST SES. DELTA Barnabas | |
Mackenzie Hittle | CA | Lodi | 209-607-5931 | FIRST SES. DELTA Barnabas | |
Thomas Yang | Ca | Granite Bay | 916-801-7366 | FIRST SES. DELTA Barnabas | |
Cody Wright | NV | Reno | 775-815-3741 | FIRST SES. DELTA Barnabas | |
Second Session | |||||
Caity Dickson | Ca | Danville | 925-413-8049 | 2ND SES. DELTA Barnabas | |
Emma Grager | CA | Danville | 925-588-8057 | 2ND SES. DELTA Barnabas | |
Evan Smith | CA | Fresno | 559-367-1791 | 2ND SES. DELTA Barnabas | |
Jackie Kabel | Ca | Danville | 925-786-7963 | | 2ND SES. DELTA Barnabas |
Jackson Reimers | CA | Dove Caynon | 949-231-9586 | 2ND SES. DELTA Barnabas | |
Kristen Brandsma | ID | Wendell | 208-308-8503 | 2ND SES. DELTA Barnabas | |
Lauren Green | CA | Los Angeles | 714-290-4835 | 2ND SES. DELTA Barnabas | |
Logan Daily | ID | Hagerman | 208-539-5550 | 2ND SES. DELTA Barnabas | |
Mallory Bockwoldt | CA | Woodland Hills | 818-427-0857 | 2ND SES. DELTA Barnabas | |
Rebekah Bujanowski | CA | Covina | 626-393-7352 | 2ND SES. DELTA Barnabas | |
Stephanie Machello | Ca | Salinas | 831-229-8349 | 2ND SES. DELTA Barnabas | |
NAME | ST | CITY | CELL | email | |
1st session | |||||
Brianna Salvatore | CA | Orange | 714-403-2821 | FIRST SES. SHASTA Barnabas | |
Chris Brown | CA | Orange | 714-944-3396 | FIRST SES. SHASTA Barnabas | |
Frank Sprauge | WA | Custer | 360-815-7482 | FIRST SES. SHASTA Barnabas | |
Jonathan Hale | CA | Walnut Creek | 925-212-7703 | FIRST SES. SHASTA Barnabas | |
Jordan Leonard | CA | Saratoga | 408-857-0345 | FIRST SES. SHASTA Barnabas | |
Micaela Saqui | Ca | Granite Bay | 916-899-8585 | FIRST SES. SHASTA Barnabas | |
Nikki Smith | Ca | Walnut Creek | 925-899-5603 | FIRST SES. SHASTA Barnabas | |
Samantha Lotti | CA | Saratoga | 408-505-5002 | FIRST SES. SHASTA Barnabas | |
Sarah Thomas | CA | Pleasanton | 925-961-7315 | FIRST SES. SHASTA Barnabas | |
Shane Anderson | TX | Austin | 916-813-8246 | FIRST SES. SHASTA Barnabas | |
2nd Session | |||||
Brad Hogenson | CA | Martinez | 925-817-8767 | 2ND SES. SHASTA Barnabas | |
Jacob Temple | CA | Sunland | 818-903-2156 | 2ND SES. SHASTA Barnabas | |
Megan Obrien | Ca | Danville | 925-708-3333 | 2ND SES. SHASTA Barnabas | |
Sarah Cardona | Ca | Pomona | 909-896-0957 | 2ND SES. SHASTA Barnabas | |
Stephanie Draeger | Ca | Claremont | 909-367-4917 | 2ND SES. SHASTA Barnabas | |
3rd Session | |||||
Amy Brown | CA | Azusa | 626-239-5805 | 3RD SES. SHASTA Barnabas | |
Esabeau Kendell-Bell | CA | Sun Valley | 818-667-6179 | 3RD SES. SHASTA Barnabas | |
Hope Frankian | CA | Burbank | 818-808-8122 | 3RD SES. SHASTA Barnabas | |
Jonathan Beltran | CA | La Crescenta | 818-419-0866 | 3RD SES. SHASTA Barnabas | |
Lauren Traurig | Ca | Pleasanton | 925-922-9746 | 3RD SES. SHASTA Barnabas | |
TRAINEE | |||||
NAME | ST | CITY | CELL | email | |
Anneliese Dion-Kindem | CA | Agoura Hills | 818-429-3011 | First Ses D. Trainee | |
Kate Stipa | CA | San Pedro | 310-357-4626 | First Ses D. Trainee | |
Tony Dunn | CA | Lake Forest | 949-212-6096 | First Ses D. Trainee | |
Wendy Whitcombe | CA | Palos Verdes Estates | 310-961-6810 | First Ses D. Trainee | |
Cody Schulze | Ca | Ventura | 805-746-6277 | First Ses D. Trainee | |
| |||||
Joseph Lee | CA | Torrance | 310-351-8565 | 2nd Ses D. Trainee | |
Katie Jameson | CA | Oceanside | 760-560-7839 | 2nd Ses D. Trainee | |
Alyssa Holloway | CA | Carmel | 831-236-5377 | 2nd Ses D. Trainee | |
Shasta | |||||
1st session | |||||
Allie Sherrod | Ca | San Diego | 925-212-5489 | First Ses S. Trainee | |
Sarah Josephson | CA | Torrance | 310-847-9764 | First Ses S. Trainee | |
2nd session | |||||
Karly Nelson | CA | Alamo | 925-819-1507 | Second Ses S Trainee | |
3rd Session | |||||
Elizabeth Sherwood | CA | Los Angeles | 949-510-7757 | Third Ses S Trainee | |
Kira Thornley | CA | San Luis Obispo | 831-332-4068 | Third Ses S Trainee | |
Jamie Sickler | CA | Kerman | 559-978-1617 | Third Ses S Trainee | |
Lauren Whitney | WA | Spokane | 206-799-8507 | Third Ses S Trainee | |
DRIVER | |||||
NAME | ST | CITY | CELL | email | |
Aaron Cardinio | CA | Rocklin | 209-327-4627 | Driver D. | |
Connor Drake | CA | San Jose | 408-396-8319 | Driver D. | |
Josiah Auer | CA | San Jose | 408-482-0501 | Driver D. | |
Kevin Straw | CA | Acampo Rd | 209-479-0587 | Driver D. | |
Jordan Costa | CA | Lodi | 209-327-0193 | Driver D. | |
Alyssa Barlow | CA | Ramona | 760-5044923 | Driver D. | |
Jennifer Harnet | CA | Orange | 714-906-9706 | Driver D. | |
Kristen Anema | CA | Lodi | 209-263-1470 | Driver D. | |
Jenna Gailey | CA | Davis | 925-487-9503 | Driver D. | |
Josh Vance | WA | Spokane | 408-410-7009 | Driver S | |
Michael Obrien | CA | Danville | 925-596-0266 | Driver S | |
Tyler Moore | CA | Rancho Palos Verdes | 310-561-4130 | Driver S | |
James Hansen | Ca | Azusa | 626-391-2677 | Driver S | |
Amanda Potts | CA | Orange | 503-302-4592 | Driver S | |
Lauren Stack | CA | Torrance | 310-488-6397 | Driver S | |
Kaitlyn Bonne | CA | Granite Bay | 916-521-9835 | Driver S | |
Emily Ferree | CA | Huntington Beach | 714-292-2637 | Driver S | |
Katy Conlin | CA | Granite Bay | 916-303-3497 | Driver S |