Saturday, April 30, 2011

Source of Nourishment

I've been thinking a lot about Wednesday's devotional. It states that strength emerges from nourishment. The question than is; where do we get our nourishment?

The devotional states that Adam and Eve (along with us) were created to allow the "goodness and love of their creator to nourish them". However, Adam and Eve (and us as well) chose to be cut off from God's good and perfect nourishment, because they wanted to do things on their own. It is also true that we often try and seek nourishment from other things. We trust in our own strength, in other people, and in other things. However, nothing will ever sustain us like our God.

An amazing part of all of our stories is that God did not just leave us detached from our source for long. (Much like John 15:5, which states “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.") There has been grace given through Christ. We are "sustained by His freely offered life" (Devotional). Through his death, sacrifice and love; we are connected back to the source and can find our nourishment in God again.

The reason why this concept is so interesting to me is because I find that I stumble into this way too often. I try so hard to depend on myself and others, and get discouraged when I cannot do it on my own. Christ has to continuously bring me back to the reality that He is all I need and he is the only thing that brings me nourishment. He is my vine, my source, my nourishment.

The times where I struggle the most in this area is on houseboats. I often have so much to think about, so many jobs to do, and so many people I long to minister to. Through it all, I often try to depend on myself. I will always fall short, get frustrated, and burn out when I trust in myself to sustain me. But truthfully my strength is nothing, and Christ's is everything. When you serve this summer be aware that this maybe something you struggle with too...or maybe you are struggling with it now. Let go and trust that Christ is the only thing that can sustain you.

I pray that in those moments where you will find yourself in the same situation, you will notice and fall at Christs feet to receive His nourishment. Let him sustain you, grow you, and bear His fruit in you.

Love you all!

The red phone is ringing.

"Our strength and firmness are in the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and in Him alone."
In Luke 9 Jesus asks these guys to follow him but they all respond "well can I _____first? They weren't what I would call "lame excuses" either...I mean one of the guys wanted to go bury his father!! I mean thats kind of emotional in the first place and now Jesus wants him to drop it!! At first, reading this, I thought that Jesus' response, "No one who puts his hands to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God," was insensitive. However, when I thought about it, our trust is supposed to be in Jesus right? he is our strength, he is what instills strength into our bodies... So he knows everything about us and knows what is why is ANYTHING holding us back? I usually associate pain, regret, fear, and sorrow with things that hold me back but what about best friends, important days like your wedding or maybe even a death of a family are those holding us back!?I mean they are important... they aren't things that we just let go of in any circumstance.

This reminded me of an analogy one of my mentors challenged me with...
In your room there is a red phone.
Its one of those phones in the cheesy commercials or spy movies that is directly linked with someone important in case of an emergency.
Your phone can only be called by God.
So one day when you are jammin out to some music in your room the phone rings.
You of course pick up because I mean its GOD! He tells you to drop EVERYTHING, tell NO ONE, take NOTHING, and get on the 2:45 bus to NO WHERE. What do you do!? Grab your Bible cuz that's important right?? Wait he said bring nothing. Go tell your mom you are leaving and that you love her?? He said tell no one! Do you go to the bus???!!!

This is the picture that is challenging me this week. If that red phone starts to ring do I ignore it? Do I pick up and say "Sorry God I really don't trust you?" or do I go. I mean I sing the song and pray the prayer "Here am I send me!!" but to what extent am I willing to go.

Jesus stooped lower.

The Wise Man Built His House Upon the Rock...

hey guys! So this will be my first time posting on here. I know that I should have been posting stuff on here every week, but I honestly didn't make time to add it into my crazy schedule. Since I have not been sharing what I have been learning as the weeks have gone by I will tell you a little about it now...

...when we got back from the training weekend I was totally stoked for the summer and on fire for Jesus, but because of that weekend I got super behind in my school work and I spent what felt like an eternity catching up. Even though I was still able to do my quiet times I was not able to get on here. I was growing for several weeks but I eventually crashed because I was not giving the stress of my daily life to God...for a few weeks now I have simply been doing my quiet time out of habit, but I had not been growing nor had I been trying to, I had become complacent. I went from not having enough time to spend with God to not trying to spend time with God. I was fine where I was at and it was pretty comfortable. It wasn't until tonight when I was doing my quiet time that I realized my complacency. I realized that I was writing in my journal about wanting to be what God wants me to be, but I wasn't acting on it, I wasn't trying to be that person. I was building my house on a foundation of sand, not taking the time to dig in and find a spot where my foundation would be firm. From the realization of my complacency I have decided to tear down my comfortableness and dig deeper and deeper into God's word. I want to continue digging until I find myself completely uncomfortable because it is through this uncomfortableness that I grow and find my true strength that rests in Christ Jesus alone. Although I am not looking forward to being uncomfortable, I am looking forward to growing and finding strength in God.

cant even begin to explain

felt like I should share this.I came across this passage after a day of just being dead(spiritually) and got my world rocked again. not gonna write thoughts on it because its to mind blowing to me.
“If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. 19 Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.”

Thursday, April 28, 2011

my chains are gone?

i often think about what gets in the way of my relationship and commitment to christ. and what is it? school, friends, family, pets....blah blah blah. are these things really commited to us? will they be trustworth at the lowest of lows? no way. are they ALWAYS there for us, never turning a cold shoulder, or never too busy for us? i dont think so! He's the only one, theres no replacing good ol' Jesus. after talking to a friend the other day, she was talking about not having a relationship with him because he wont love her for who she is and what shes done. HE LOVES US ANYWAY! Our chains are gone, we are free. free from regret, pain, hurt, SIN. Jesus died on that cross so that those things loose meaning, those things don't need to interfere. we are free. thats how awesome his love is.

Monday, April 25, 2011

God is knocking, I need to take off the chain and open the door.

I have missed a couple of weeks, and I take full responsibility. I have been busy but I also have not made time for others, through sharing my devotions on this blog, though I have been doing them, at least.
Humility was a hard week for me to process... I began to realize that a friend of mine and I were drifting apart. After the senior class retreat at my school, when she had hoped we would grow closer, instead, she rarely spoke to me. I was extremely hurt, and a bit angry with her, and I did not know how to react to the situation. Over the next few days, we sent each other some very harsh texts about each other's faults, though I did not believe I was in the wrong. When I read that Monday's devotion, it said to be willing to accept criticism. Even if I had not done anything wrong, it was important to be humble in the situation. Next, on thatTuesday, it spoke of God's disciplines that were a love for us, and would help us grow. If we do not "understand the painful realities that [we will] need to endure for [our] call," then we will not grow. If we settle for less, then we will not "experience life's greatest meaning and thrill." I would much rather have pain than regret.

On another note, the call to be a leader is to be humble in the moment of insult or disrespect, and to suffer so that the group may grow. A worldly leader is controlling and hurts the team in order to protect their own rights and ideas. By serving, freedom is spread to the whole of the group. In addition a leader must guide the rest in the right direction, even if it causes them to be hated, persecuted, and isolated. We must be willing to die so that others may ultimately live. It reminds me of the film, End of the Spear. A group of 5 young missionaries to the natives of Ecuador are met at first with ambivilence, as they share the gospel. However, not much time later, they are killed brutally by the natives, but through this tragedy, their wives and children reach out to the villagers to spread the love of christ, and are recieved. Five men died to save a whole village, but in the eyes of God, he gained many children in heaven that day. It is a horrible story to watch, but it shows exactly how we should live, with our own risk as a daily possibility.

With the week devoted to sacrifice, I learned a few more things about my own struggles, and had been also experiencing the incredible feeling of service, after reaching out to the homeless and cleaning up an elementary school. With so much to do, however, I had also felt as if I had no time at all, and was exceedingly overwhelmed. I interpreted this week as, having not only to sacrifice some of the things i personally wanted to do, but sacrifice the control over how I accomplished my tasks; that not myself, but God, would provide the means for me to do what I needed to do. Not only was this a challenge, but soon people began praising me for my "good works", and I had to avoid taking the glory for my actions. That Wednesday's devotion said to be centered on others and laugh at your own mistakes. With the personality of charisma that you may develop, people will praise you and call you to lead them, but you must leave the "fanfare" and come back when you will not be the center of focus. Lastly, when serving, I must never believe that anyone or anything is below me, because no matter how bad, Christ suffered more. Like we talked about on retreat, I must always keep my eyes on him.

The week, focusing on Loyalty and Commitment was extrememly difficult. Not only did I get caught up in myself, but I had to define some boundaries with how much self pity I would exersize for a past event that had hurt me badly and defined my person. I am now going through both some extreme changes and an identity crisis. I visited my best friend who lives over 1000 miles away, and I had a moment to escape from the pain, and from life. Or so I thought. I am now at a point where I find myself wishing I could relive the last week over and over. I am not committed to God, only to myself, and my own selfish desires. Monday's devotion said that commitment is expressed not through words, but through actions. I need to break free from this vicious cycle of cleaning up my life, only to dirty it once again. I need stability in myself and God, not looking for it in people or things. Tuesday really hit me because it said that my real identity is found in christ. I have been struggling with who I am.

Passion is a difficult topic, because I do not know the real definition in this case. Is it detication to God? A zeal for life? The daily scripture of monday was about believers and their imperfections, but our move toward God and heaven by leaving our past behind. God transforms us. It was hard to think about what my deepest meaning and longing was. My passions are always changing because I don't know where to start looking. I like some things, but soon I lose interest; so what am I really meant for? One move toward this however, is step toward fearlessness, as talked about on Tuesday. A complete trust in God's will for my life, even if I don't know what it is yet. I need to trust him when I manage my life, physically, mentally, and socially, and to accept my flaws on the outside in order to do things for Him, without insecurity. I have noticed that I often use others for attention, confirmation that I am talented, beautiful, and unique. However, when you hear something too often, you stop believing it. I cannot always depend on this, especially when for it to work, I begin to need a "stronger dose". Instead, I should push through the pain of self hatred and toward my real purpose in Christ.

I not only WANT, but NEED to have a purpose. Without it, life can become unbearable.

When I take charge of the hurt and get up out of this mindset, I can work toward living for God, rather than myself, and only behaving in a way to benefit myself and others.

Words of Wisdom

Tonight I was chatting it up with Brother [Chris] Brown on the phone and he said something so amazing and profound that I have to share it with all of you!

We were talking about how God has been so faithful to convict us and change us- all evident in the actions God has called us to already and the stories we've all shared in our blogs. From all that, Chris made an excellent observation. He said something to the effect of:

Dude, Its so sick how present God has been and how He's already convicting us! Think about it, we are at home, in our comfort zone, with everything and He is so faithful to answer... but this summer we'll be out of our comfort zone constantly and we'll barely have anything to call our own- Think about how much more God will move in us then!

This was so encouraging and I had to share that with everybody... This summer is going to be sick

To Chris: so... uh... sorry I didn't give you a warning that I'd post this... Love you, man! ahahaha

Passionate............for what??

1 Corinthians 13:1

I believe that this verse as well as the message we are being told here is completly true. People dont do something they dont like unless of corse they are forced into it. Or you could do the same thing, everyday, routinly and not even remember what you did. That usually happens with me. I go though the motions and not really pay attention to what im doing unless its important to me. Nothing I choose to do means anything until the day I do it out of Love especially for Christ. For this houstboats trip we are all about to encounter and experience we need to do this out of Love for God if we arnt already there. Again this isnt about us, its not even about them, its about serving God and loving Him. I also think this could be about the perception we view life as. It could be a dull boring not so fun life with no meaning to it, or we could look at it as a wonderful gift God has given us and choose to spend our lives serving Him out of Love. No matter what you do, do it out of Love whether its washing the dishes, cutting the grass, or praying. If we just chose to look through the lenses of Christ we could see a lot more clearly with both eyes instead of one blurry one.

Really? All In?

I am a dreamer. That can be learned about me within minutes of meeting me. I love to plan. I love to develop ideas. I love to let my imagination run wild and see where it takes me. APU has this thing called Strengths. I'm such a dreamer/planner/etc. that Futuristic was one of my top strengths. No surprise there. However, I hold onto my dreams tightly and when suddenly I realize that a dream or plan can't ever be, my heart is broken. Sometimes I wonder if my heart is more devoted to these hopes and dreams than it is to God. This is where sacrifice, loyalty, and commitment come into play.
I'm a girl who is dying to find my future husband, fall in love with him, plan out my dream wedding (most of which has already been done), get married, have kids (already have names chosen), live in a lovely house with a front and backyard in a quiet community with a good school system so my kids can obtain a great education and won't be moving around from house to house. And get this. This isn't even a fraction of the many hopes and dreams I have.
Notice how God wasn't mentioned? I get so wrapped up in daydreaming that I forget that God has everything, literally EVERYTHING planned out already. It doesn't matter what I want. It's what God wants. Letting go is soo hard for me. I had to let go of going to my dream college because God was saying, "No. You are going to APU. This is where you belong. Trust me." I hated my decision for months until I finally wound up immersed in the love and support of the APU community. I guess God was right. Now to trust Him, to commit my everything to Him, including these hopes and dreams that I hold so tightly to.
Sacrifice. Ah. What joy it should be to sacrifice our lives to God when he willingly and literally sacrificed his for us. I think it's something that every individual can work on in one shape or form. Won't happen overnight but will take time, and that in itself takes commitment. So let me pose a question for us: How commited are you to God?

Daily Prayer

We pray that in all our ways we will acknowledge you and lean not on our own understanding, but rather trust in you Lord, with all our heart.

This week's addition to our daily prayer is a simplified and pure sentiment of my thoughts from the last few weeks. God has been stretching and testing my mind in some incredible ways. This added line to our prayer reminds me that I don't know everything, and in truth, I hardly know anything. The only thing I do know is that there is a God and He is good; I know that from personal relationship with Him. He's made sacrifices and suffered for the sole purpose of making a way to you and me. This crazy God of Love is the same all-powerful Author of the Universe who knows everything because He created everything. And so I see no other rational option than to fully trust Him with all my heart and to consecrate to Him all my life to make His own because He is so amazing and He will use that trust to transform me and mold me into closer relationship with and likeness of Him.

No dear brother and sisters, I am still not all I should be but I am focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Hey everyone!
Let me start off by saying that I missed you this week!! I was unable to read the posts because I was in Mexico but seriously it was probably one of the only things I missed =]!!

So this week was passion and oh how fitting that was!
This week I literally could feel God's passion flowing through me. It was the weirdest/best feeling ever. I thought it was so awesome that I was studying about God's passion for me and experiencing my passion for him.
Tuesday: "Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He annointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his spirit in our hearts as deposit, guaranteeing what is to come" - 2nd Corinthians 1:21

Our Mexico trip's theme was "The Stand" it was talking about how we as Christians we must take a stand against the devil's schemes according to Eph 6. So when I read this on Tuesday morning I was like whoa reoccuring theme!
The fact that we can stand firm in Christ gives me confidence that he is my safety net that he will give me strength, courage, and equip me for the stand. This is where my passion for God comes in. I love him so much and have such a passion for his name because he died for me and is willing/able to be my safety net! All for me.

Then the next part "He annointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his spirit in our hearts as depoist, guranteeing what is to come."
He is so passionate about us. We are His! We belong to him. He is so in love with us, he is so passionate about us because we are his. We are his sons and daughters. He is such a dad. He loves us then more than we can imagine. AHHH! I think that's so awesome. Divine Romance comes to my mind.
Lets take a stand in God and realize that he is IN love with US!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Living Passionately: In Freedom and In Love

Hey Barnabas! I appreciate you all! Thanks for staying faithful with the devotional. I have enjoyed speaking with some of you this week, and how Christ has been purposeful in teaching you and stretching you through the devotional. It is encouraging for me to hear how you are growing! Keep it up!

This weeks devotionals have been great. Two of my most memorable devotionals this week have been Tuesday and Wednesday's.

Tuesday- II Corinthians 1:21: (click on verse to read verse) Andy already referenced this passage in his post below, so check it was good. I just want to say that I was deeply moved by this devotional as well. I really needed to be reminded that Christ has anointed us, and has placed his seal of adoption upon our lives. In that we are free from the labels people place on us, free from every weight of expectation, and free from our own fear of failing. When we realize we have been anointed to do Christ's work with Him, we become more deeply aware that we are not alone and He is walking with us in everything. There is freedom as we walk along side Christ. I totally needed to be reminded of this! Love it!

Wednesday - I Corinthians 13:1 -(click on verse to read verse) This verse reminded me a lot of our service out on the water this summer. We can often get caught up in the things we DO, instead of focusing on the LOVE we have for the people we serve (I say this knowing that this has honestly been a struggle for me in past summers). As the Mother Teresa quote stated "It is not how much you do, but how much love you put into the doing that matters". I pray that in those moments of cooking dinner, or in staying up late talking to campers, or in insuring the Mikey (bathroom) is spotless....we don't loose sight of why we do these things. Yes, we do things to help the church have the best week possible...but let us remember our focus should be based solely on love. Regardless of how well we do something, doing it without love...makes it nothing. Let us pour ourselves into all we do...not out of obligation but out of immense love! And when we lack love...let us ask and pray earnestly for it, expectant Christ will give it freely!

Once again, thanks for all your honesty, vulnerability, and consistency in your posts. Hope you all are doing well. Keep trusting in Christ, loving all people, and laying yourself down in service to others!
Love ya guys,

What He did for Us, and not the other way around.

LAST WEEK: Loyalty
Thursday: John 12:20-33 - Save me from this hour? No, It was for this hour I was created!

This passage shows the human heart of Jesus to me as he wrestles with what he should pray. I love verse 27- No, It was for this hour I was created, Father bring glory to your name! True Passion! True Drama! True Loyalty! Thursday's comment , "To effectively lead requires full tilt commitment. When a leader moves through the stages of 'This is tough' to ' this is exceedingly difficult', to 'this is impossible,' the leader is sensing the commitment that Christ expects."

Father may you bring glory to your name this summer! May we not get in the way of what you are doing! Father Glorify your name!

THIS WEEK: Passion- how fitting :)

Tuesday: II Corinthians 1:21 I notice how all this is from God to Us,
1. it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ,
2. He anointed us.
3. He set his seal of ownership on us.
4. Put his Spirit on our hearts as a deposit... guaranteeing what is to come!

The gifts are freely given! Without anything that we did! NOTHING! FREE!

"It focuses you on your core strengths and passions and allows you to let go of labels, expectations and the concern of failing. You life fearlessly, for you know that when you fail you fall into the arms of the one whom no kingdom, plan authority of power can stop or diminish. Accept Christ's Deposit. "

Who are we Not to accept it? If this gift is given from the King, should we not humbly accept and tell others?! This pumps me up so much, especially during this week of Easter! In our church this is a very cool thump in the chest (to get pumped up) to tell others about what Gift I have lavishly been given!

Lord, continue to have your kingdom fall here on earth! Jesus, thank you for taking my sin upon that cross, suffering and dying a sinners death! Father, forgive me where I try and deny your gift or call it something from myself! Lord You are amazing Hallelujah!!!!!

Happy Easter!- He has Risen and is walking among us in His Kingdom!

Again and again and again...

"So I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have." -2 Peter 1:12. THANKYOU JESUS!! The constant reassurance from him is so amazing to me! I don't think this verse could have come at a better time, which is just another example of how much he is true to his word. He was preparing our hearts before he even left, and he continues to do that to us now with the same kind of love and constant reassurance we all need. Like a divine love romance, he is telling us again and again how much he loves us and how amazing it is going to be when we see him again! His love for us is so true and so strong "it was love that held him to that cross". (sarah thomas) and he is still reminding us daily of what happened there, and it was all for love.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Suffering 4/22

John 15:18-21   "If the world hates you know that it has hated me before it hated you, if you were of the world the world would love you as its own, but cuz your not of this world therefore the world hates you, remember the word that I said to you, a servant is not greater than its master, if they persecuted me they will also persecute you, if they kept my word they will also keep yours but all these things they will do to you on account of my name cuz they do not know him who sent me"

In all we do we should do it in the name of the Lord, and rejoice in suffering and persecution, we are called to be shining lights to the world, not coverd so that those around us may see the light in us.

a side note, i had a dream bout Shasta last night! It was awesome!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

"Do you KNOW me?!"

So glad that this passage of 1 John 2:3-17 was our reading today because it directly relates to something God has been raking my heart with (and something that a professor said at APU chapel last week). Ok 1 John 2:4 says "The man who says, "I know him," but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in him." Preach it John!!!!

So this is my take on the verse and how I'm applying it to my life.
Like many of you, I know a lot about God. And I know that sounds really prideful but let me explain. I'm not gloating to you about how intelligent I am, but you know, after about 20 years of Sunday school you end up knowing a lot about God. I could tell you all the books of the Bible, the creation story, the fall of man, Noah, Abraham and Isaac, the birth of Jesus, the prodigal son, the death of Jesus, and so on.

I know a lot about God.

**Key word: "about"

A lot of us know about God, but DO WE KNOW GOD?
Do I know his character? Can I recognize his voice? Is his spirit alive in me? Are his words on the tip of my tongue? I know a lot about God, but do I know God? I think this is a question that every Christian should sit back and think about. How can you follow and commit to someone you don't even know? Can you imagine yourself marrying someone you've only read about but never interacted with? The idea is insane! Why should God be any different? God wants a deep, intimate, REAL relationship with us. he wants us to get to know him so we can trust him. It is sooooo unbelievably easy to fall into the trap of treating God like a pop star instead of our friend.

So I challenge you, as you read and do your devotions, don't just learn about God (though it is important to do) go beyond that and get to know God. Because if you don't know God, then in the seasons of life that are really lonely and dark, you'll forget the character of God and you'll forget that his nature is good even though good things don't always happen to us. But when we do know God, his character rubs off on us, just like how your close friends rub off on you. This is why the author of 1 John says we're liars if we say we know God but don't act how he commands. If we really knew God to the fullest extent of his majesty, first of all, we'd all fall flat on faces because we'd be so stinkin' overwhelmed, and in that overwhelming presence, we wouldn't know what else to God except follow in his every footstep.

Now I ask myself, "Self, do you know God?" And I say back to myself, "Yeah, I think I know God...kind of...but everyday I'm learning something different. The more I learn the more I unlearn." This may sound crazy (and if any of you want me to embellish more, let me know) but I'm not sure I really even want to know all of God, and I don't think I'm supposed to either. We worship a very mysterious God who according to Job does "great things beyond our understanding." I don't think we're supposed to be able to figure Him our because if we could, then we wouldn't need Him. But the beauty of God is that He is holy and mysteriously complex, and He is what makes us inhale, exhale, blink, and sneeze. But even though I won't ever fully know God, I hope that I'll know God more tomorrow than I do today, or at least have another reason tomorrow on how I can testify his presence in my life.

Wow. That was quite the rant. And there's plenty more where that came from folks! Haha! I have to contain myself on these blogs so I don't write a 5 page essay on whatever I get excited about haha!

Well, may the Lord bless and keep you and may his face shine upon you and be gracious to you and give you peace...lots and lots of peace :-)


Monday, April 18, 2011

Daily Equality

Hi!!(: This blog post isn't off of our devotional, but i wanted to share about whats going on in my spiritual life. Lately I've been doing this devotional called Jesus Calling. (if you are looking for a new devotional to get started on, go buy it!! its so inspiring and awesomeeee). Well, the other day God was screaming to me through this little book. Sometimes i feel like the only way i can serve and glorify him, is in the big things like houseboats, mission work, and volunteering at church. I often lose sight of Gods purpose in our everyday life. The topic this day, was finding God in the "boring" days. Sometimes i'll freak out because i didn't do enough one day, or i didnt make a difference. But this entry really reminded me that i didnt need some "big" day to be a good daughter. having our faith in god and trusting him with everything is all we need. Just talking to Him and having our heart out to him, is something!! Yes, serving is awesome! But there is no day that is too small. EVERYDAY is a new oppertunity! God doesn't look at one day as better than another...He has given us each day, and rejoices in them all equally. God doesnt have bad days. Its all equal to him. Shalom, Sarah

Saturday, April 16, 2011

In response to my friend, Mr. Brown :)


I feel like, more often than not, I ask God to prove himself to me and what He'll do to meet me where I am. "SEND ME A SIGN, A HINT, A WHISPER!!!" and then we'll talk about me doing what you want. Me first, though. Don't confuse the order.
These thoughts are so elusive and hard to recognize. I can go days thinking this way and then turn around and have the audacity to ask why I'm not receiving anything out of quiet times or devotionals. The truth I fail to realize, time and time again, is that God has already gone before me. He has already done so much more than I can ever deserve and the cross was just the beginning of it all!
Tuesday's scripture reading, Joshua 24, spoke straight into that for me. Over and over God says things like "I TOOK", "I GAVE", "I SENT", "I BROUGHT", "I MADE", "I BLESSED", ECT!!! 17 times in the span of 11 verses, God says, more or less, "I've gone before you".
What's the point?- to prove that God is faithful and that He's already sent us so many signs and so much more than a hint or a whisper. He's acted personally in every one of our lives and He's brought us victory in ways that are humanly impossible.

So, in view of God's eternal grace and humility to go before me and prepare a way for me, how can I ask for anything more... For an eternally faithful God, requires an eternally faithful commitment to serve, to love, to endure and to praise.

How far would you go to sit at His feet?
May we walk in manner worthy of you Lord, to please you in all respects, bearing good fruit in every good work.

Always Trying

Hey All!
So I am sorry I haven’t been writing up on the blog, I could say I am really busy but who isn’t and I am not really one to complain. So a bit about my past two weeks… Two weeks ago I was on a mission trip in Mexico with CPC to build houses (6 11’ – 22’). This trip is breath taking and indescribable, as many of you may remember from the first Barny “get together” my testimony was encouraged by Mexico. This was my third trip to Mexico and on the first trip I gave my life to Christ. Within the whole experience and week every moment in my eyes is captured by how great god is; how every day he surprises me more and more not just threw my life but others.
The reading from Monday night had a big impact on me (1 Corinthians 5:20), “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power”. I feel like many people take God for granted in the act of talking. Some are atheist and other different religions and by doing so talk about our God in false ways; in ways that we believe to be wrong. We understand thoroughly though this message once again how great, mighty, and powerful God is and to serve God by our actions (like the packet said: commitment, loyalty, and sacrifices) and not by our talking.
(And this probably all makes no sense and I may not be understanding it right, I have no idea haha)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Under pressure

I can be a high stress person, I often feel under a lot of pressure for school and worry that God gets pushed away when I’m under that pressure. Then there’s the pressure from peers, the questions as to why I make the choices to not drink or go out on a Thursday night. My bible study talked about how we sometimes wish we were different people or had different qualities even though we know God made us and loves us the way we are. I sometimes wish I cared less, that I didn’t let the pressure get to me and cause stress. But I realized that that the more pressure I endure the more I rely and turn to God. The more I can rejoice in how amazing he is, and even in times where it doesn’t seem like it, no matter what, my life is amazing because I have faith in God. Faith is the greatest power of all, with it I am equipped to make it through all the pressure placed on me and can look to God and continuously say thank you.

what would you do ?

I love the story in luke 5 . Because it shows how committed these friends are to being in Jesus presence. I love the imagery of brotherhood as well among the friends. but what i find myself doing is asking WHAT WOULD YOU DO TO ENCOUNTER JESUS? HOW FAR WOULD YOU GO TO SIT AT HIS FEET? think about that what would you do to encounter him.

Through it All

Hello everyone, let me start by saying that this week has been a very difficult week for me. I have been working through the end of a three year relationship and it has been very hard. For some reason this week seemed to be one of the hardest yet since the break up. However, I have found beauty and comfort in God throughout the entire thing. Although I want to handle things on my own, God has brought to my attention that I cannot do that. That I need His help in everything. Throughout this entire healing process I have found comfort in the Psalms 34:18 and the fact that the Lord is close to the broken hearted and rescues those whose spirits are crushed. I know that at one point or another each of us have been broken. It is a terrible feeling but I know that we can rejoice in the fact that God is right beside us through it all. Some people may come and go in our lives, but the Lord will never leave our side. As this weeks devos have been on commitment, I have really seen the Lord's commitment to each one of us. He has so much planned for us and there is just such beauty in knowing that He will always be our rock.

To wrap it up, that has pretty much what has been on my mind. There is so much peace in knowing that we are never alone and that the Lord is right beside us!

lean on Him

Let me just start by saying that this post doesn't have alot to do with the devos this week, mainly cause i'm a bit behind (a very frustrating thing for me). But on the plus side my sister is finally home from the hospital again. though she is far from healed, shes home and that is probably the biggest blessing right now. On the flip side of things, this week has been full of attempts to live life on my own. To fix problems, to lead others, to conquer issues on my own strength. And even in the course of just a week it has brought me to a point of utter frustration. I can't get the stuff i need to get done, done. Tonight though, i gave up on trying to do it alone i painfully reminded myself what happens when i do it without God. I lay broken once again in my bed for the hundredth time, beating myself up over my mistakes but filled with a peace that feels like i've been without for years, though it's just been a few days. All in all i want to end with some encouragement. God gives us little nudges toward Himself, he taps us on the shoulder when we turn our backs, trying to get us to see his glory again. And when we finally turn, he forgives us for turning and just hugs us, filling us with his peace and comfort.

P.S. i know this post probably makes little sense, but it's late and my mind is happy but quite jumbled, so i ask that you accept my apology for that.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Earlier this week in my Bible study, we watched a video about Bethany Hamilton, the surfer who got her arm bitten off by a shark. Her story is SO inspirational, and if you don't know anything about it I would definitely recommend looking into it. She's a Christian and has the best attitude about her situation, and it makes me realize how lame I am for complaining about some of the stuff that bothers me. During the video, she says that "it's just an arm." The way she is able to look at her situation in such a positive way is absolutely amazing to me! I want to be able to have a similar attitude towards things in my life that aren't going the way I planned them to go.

My favorite line out of the entire video was when she said that many people ask her why she thinks God let that happen to her. Her response was so awesome, and I hope I can explain this well enough. She said something along the lines of, "God knew what me and Him could handle together." I LOVE this image of working together with God to get through hard situations. Sometimes, I try to do it all on my own. Other times, I ask God to handle it. But the reality is that the best way to get through a hard situation is by asking God for help AND doing my best to have a good attitude for me to let him help me through it. That has definitely stuck with me this whole week, and I'm praying that I'll be able to remember this for when I am going through a hard time, because that's when it will be the hardest to live out.

The Buried Life

The idea of full commitment to God and His cause and to not being selfish in that cause has always stirred me up and made me excited. Being fully committed to anything is such a rarity these days that most people can't even do homework without having facebook or something else open. People don't like to commit to things or situations because they connect commitment to being "tied down," which is negative in society. Most people like to have open schedules so that they are free to do whatever they want. All of this is not true and the complete opposite with being committed to God. When committed to God, you feel love and strength that he provides you with, building you up and making you more capable. When you commit to His plan and His work, He is right there with you, helping you, not holding you down. I really liked the analogy of the wheat seed that Jesus used, it stuck with me the most. The fact that the seed has to give itself up and commit to being used to create and produce astonishes me, but I love it. It's like exactly what we are supposed to do. We are of no help if we just stand around and "float" around this world uncommitted. "Burying" ourselves in Christ's work is the answer.
Holding out for the perfect situation to come sweep you off your feet will get you nowhere and accomplish nothing but lost opportunities. We need to be "reckless in our love," which will give life to others.


"faith is being sure of wht we hope for and certin of what we cannot see" I really like this quote and I think it pertains to the message for Tuesday, II Corinthians 4:16-17. When we believe in Him mircles will happen and we when we believe it is eternel. What we see, will not last forever. But when we give it up to Him and believe THAT is eternel. I really like that when we walk with Christ everything else becomes little. our problems dont seem to matter anymore. "Frustration, condescension, body aches, broken hearts and disappointment" seem to become not as important as we are consumed with His glory. He helps us with our idenity and He wants to help us and get to know us. Its comforting to know that those problems seem like nothing when we trust in God and let Him write out story. He only wants the best for us and knows what Hes doing we just need to have faith and follow.


"when a leader moves through the stages of "this is tough" to "this is exceedingly difficult" to "this is impossible" the leader is sensing the commitment that Christ expects. Christ demands everything he also supplies more than EVERYTHING" I really think this is straight forward and can be scary at times. We choose to believe in what we can do physically and or mentally but to know that Christ will provide EVERYTHING? thats a stretch. But I think that houseboats is definitly a life learning lesson, as well as a test. To give Christ everything we have and when we are exhausted and he demands more yet through all of this he gives us everything. But what caught my attention was it wasnt just everything it was MORE than everything. My dad says that maybe this "more" means more than we can recieve, more than we gave, or more than we will be able to understand. this just goes to show how great Gods love for us is. and it is truly amazing to know that God does that. When we give everything to Him we find in later moments how we find a sense of peace, Joy, Love. But when we dont and we dwell in vain, we only fulfill ourselves in our misery and choose to do things that are not right for us to do. But when we turn to God he gives us more than we gave and gives us a feeling only we can feel by Him. But this isnt something we can do halfway. We have to commit fully to everyday living for Him, following His ways taking up our cross and following Him.

God is good

Hi ya'll!
Gosh i loved todays devotional(this may get off topic)! COMMITMENT! Christs sacrifice on the cross was the ultimate commitment. So shouldn't we commit to living our lives for him? Whats holding us back? He demands everything! He's a full time job! sometimes i feel like i leave him behind with certain things i'm doing. And then i slap myself in the face and realize that i'm hurting him! it hurts me when i leave him, but wow, it hurts him too! he longs for us to spend time with him and get to know him! Back on topic now.... what God calls us to do is so intracitly chosen and purposefully developed. he's demanding us to do these things for a reason. And when he calls us to do these things, he will always provide! we never have to worry about how it happens, as long as we TRUST THE LORD! Gods so purposeful its amazing.
I love you all and i can't wait to serve with you guys!
Any prayer requests?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Barnabas = Sons and Daughters of Encouragment!

Just wanted to tell you all how much of a blessing your postings have been for me this week! It is so amazing to read about how God is meeting with you all, speaking to you, and ultimately revealing his character to you. So encouraging. It is awesome to think that when we are faithful to draw near to Christ in our study of His word, He is faithful to reveal Himself.

I just want to encourage you all to pour yourself into to time you have in the word and in being in the presence of the Lord. He is faithful to grow you, stretch you, and use you for his perfect purposes. Remember you are deeply loved by the one that has created you, saved you, and continually restores you! Blessings to you all!

That's My God

I love it when God meets with me. Amazing things happen and know that my heart is with Him. I have delayed posting this because I needed to really think about it and try to understand it more.
Some of you may know that one of my favorite places to go is Azusa Canyon. I can always find God there and I go up there all the time. Sometimes it is like I know every twist and turn like the back of my hand. Last Thursday evening, I was just at home debating what part of my homework to work on. I suddenly heard God loud and clear saying "Go up Azusa Canyon. Right now. Go." So I got up, and asked God, what I should bring. He said my guitar, Bible, devotional, and to wear my Vans. Haha ok God, what's going on? On my way he has me take a detour and stop by the Condo that I lived in for 10 years and He just wanted me to play my guitar some and just listen and reminisce. So I did. And then God was like "Ok, let's go." I love God's humor sometimes :) So I drove up and stopped at probably one of the only turnouts that I hadn't stopped in before haha At this turnout you can kind of walk down close to the water in the dam. Right about now it was probably 6:45 ish and was just starting to rain back in the canyon. Yet I got out with just my jacket and car keys and walked down. God met me where I was. He always does. I felt convicted the entire drive.... I had hit a bump in the road with family matters and life doesn't seem to want to slow down enough for me to breathe and I keep messing things up. But most importantly, I was thinking about how Jesus died for me. I never did anything to earn this kind of love but He still gives it ever so generously. And what's more is that I can NEVER repay God for this... It just keeps blowing my mind!
God continued meeting me through out the drive....I was about to go check out something that I had heard about and God was like "Nope, turn around and go up further." So quite reluctantly I did so. You see, a few weeks ago now another part of the canyon was reopened for canyon lovers :) I have adventured up there now probably 6 or 7 times and each time I have noticed a car that has been abandoned. I keep thinking about the car and what could have happened to the person who drove it up there. God wanted me to go and see if the car was still there. I was like "God, can I please go tomorrow or something? Its pouring rain now and its uber dark back here and it's actually kind of scary..." "Go." Darnit, ok so I went haha and the car was still there! I started taking down info about the car so I could report it. It's getting darker and raining more and more and up there the roads are narrow, slippery, and intense and I'm starting to get more and more nervous for the drive down. I was just about to turn around and head down and around the bend headed down the mountain comes a big tough white truck. I trailed behind the truck all the way down and then lost it at the opening of the canyon. God sent me an angel in a way to guide me down :)

I'm not sure why I needed to tell you all about this but I did. God can and does meet people wherever and whenever, regardless of their situation. This is probably one of the things I love most about God. When He meets me, man, He meets me haha Now that's my God :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"He is Jealous for me"

So I was sitting there last night doing my devo and I didn't really understand the context nor the meaning of the whole thing... I once had a friend tell me to just sit and listen. So I did. AND WHOA! I began to think "He is a holy God; he is a jealous God" How can God be jealous? It says in the Bible that he is a "Godly Jealous" how can jealousy be Godly!? Then I realized... God's jealousy isn't out of revenge or self-consciousness but rather he is jealous for our attention. It angers him when we use our time in useless ways. We must commit our all to him. My favorite worship song is "How He Loves" One of the lines is, "He is jealous for me loves like a hurricane" This idea is so paradoxical (at least to me). 1.He is jealous -How can something so perfect be jealous? I like to think of it as passionate and loyal. He gets mad if we are not the same to him. Also when you look up jealousy in the dictionary two of the definitions stick out: "solicitous or vigilant in maintaining or guarding something" and "intolerant of unfaithfulness or rivalry" This takes a new spin on jealousy...God is guarding us because he is loyal and he does not like when we are unfaithful. 2. Loves like a hurricane. Love is well love. it is something peaceful and assuring, a hurricane is devastating. His love is devastating it wrecks our lives. God is so committed to us that he is jealous for us and loves as much and as big and endless as a hurricane. HE IS JEALOUS FOR ME! GOD IS SO LOYAL TO US AND WE TAKE IT FOR GRANITE!!! AHHH!! boom. He loves us so much and would never give up on us. That's commitment.

Monday, April 11, 2011


Hey Sonshine staff!:)
I hope all are well! You guys are in my prayers:) I just wanted to say that i loved how todays passage says so much in so little words. Sometimes actions do speak louder than words (like frank just said!) but by showing people we care it can mean so much. A little affirmation and a small gesture can go a long way. People see what we do through the way we act, which is also the main way we get to shine God's light. I also really likes the verse 1 Cor. 5-20, Something so beautiful that there's just no words o describe it. It reminds me of the song I Can Only Imagine. God knows our hearts and when we show them through our actions to other people, it can be such a good way to show God to them! :)
Praying for you guys!:)

Actions> Words

  Seems to me that as we are called to be servants to those around us our actions should speak much louder than our words, not to say that ministering to others is not important. However the tasks which we perform should be just as effective in our servanthood.
Titus 1:16a ESV "They profess to know God, but they deny him by their works."

Sonshine FamBam!!!!!

Hey ya'll!!!!

So yes, I am in fact alive haha sort of. haha What I mean by that is that I've pretty much been sick for over a month now and just found out it pneumonia, but oh well, life moves on. ANYWAYS!!!!!! I must apologize to you all for not posting and getting to know you as well as I should have!! Life has been extremely extremely EXTREMELY busy between school, church, and simply life in general.

Well, after doing todays devotional, I really liked it. I love how it discusses being commited to God and him being commited to us. It is a reminder that God is always by our side regardless of how tough life can get sometimes. In one of my classes last semester we were given the task to find a single word to describe the Bible. The word the prof was looking for was Obedience. This passage mentions a few times that in order to be fully commited to God we must obey him. I really like this because how can you say that you are committed to someone and yet not obey them or try to please them? You can't.

Hope you all are doing well!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Wed- II Corinth,. 4:14:"For Christ's Love compels us because we are convinced that one died for ALL, and therefore all died." Being eternally destroyed to the point of not existing sounds like madness! That's what Christ sacrificed, becoming human, He broke that shackles that bonded us to sin and annihilated them! to the point of no longer existing. He did that for us, for me and for you, and we are to share this with others. No more living in guilt, no more living in shame. Those shackles have been made non existent!

I am so humbled by this, when I sacrifice myself my chains were broken, and are no longer chains, Im humiliatedly made beautiful. Christ will use the brokenness within me to bring glory to His name whenever He wants to. He loves us! It's not because He needs me but because He want's and loves me!

Lord, what you sacrificed by coming to this earth, living as human, and being destroyed for everyone else but yourself is so humbling. May I be used to your glory and may I not get in the way of your glory reining down on earth!

The pains of service develop joy in Christ

Hello Shasta Barneys,

What a great week of posts! I have been deeply encouraged and blessed to read about what you all are learning and growing in. This week of "Sacrifice" has been both challenging and uplifting for me. I hope you that you are being challenged and pushed forward in your understanding of being a sacrificial Christ follower.

The devotion that stood out the most to me was Tuesday devotion on Galatians 4:19 - "My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you".

When I think about this scripture I think about all the work you will be doing this summer. You will serve continually throughout the day, pour your energy and attention into ministering to campers, and you will be daily surrendering yourself to God's ultimate will. All of this might in fact bring you pain. You could be pained through the hearing of others broken lives, pained through the challenge and growth Christ is doing in you, and pained through your desire to see camper's changed and renewed. Much like Paul in his letter, you will be going through" pains of childbirth until Christ is formed" in to those you serve. Our ultimate desire is to see Christ formed in one another. We are all striving to grow closer in relationship with Christ, and in doing so He begins to be formed in us. What a glorious thing! So we ache in groans and pains in order to witness the transformational forming of Christ in those precious campers. Christ has called you into a beautiful role this summer, and sometimes that role might produce pain and tears (all to the glory of God).

As you serve and come along side campers may they be changed by the Christ that is formed in you. I pray that we will all be patient and expectant as we struggle through the pain caused by this great hope; that Christ may be deeply formed into every camper that sets foot on our docks.

Christ, I pray that you would continue to grow and develop our relationships with you. I pray that day by day you become more definably formed in us. I pray for the lives of those we will serve this summer. May they encounter you in a mighty way, and be forever changed. Christ, speak to their hearts.

I pray that we would understand the important roles we’ve been given. I pray we accept the pains of service, sacrifice, and giving of ourselves. I pray that we will all be reminded that everything we do is about you and not ourselves. To your glory! Amen

Friday, April 8, 2011

the arena

BARNEYS! I hope this finds you well and in the arena. What hit this week was the mondays meditation on 1 Corinthians 4:9 " For it seems to me that God has put us apostles on display at the end of the procession, like men condemned to die in the arena." For some reason when i read this verse and thought about it alot through out the week the movie gladiator kept coming into mind. Theres a scene where Russell Crowe goes into this arena to be slaughtered in front of everyone. Now of course he dominates everyone and ends up being the one who slaughters people. But again this verse just paints a image of how dead we should be to our selves. Something I have been struggling with the last couple weeks is dying to myself and staying dead to myself. This verse and really all the passages have just really encouraged me to view what God has done for me and to truly give everything up and to just stay in the arena.

I am very encouraged!

Team Barnabas!!!  Just want to tell you how encouraged I am reading all your posts!  Continue pushing yourselves to post something at least once a week.  This discipline connects you to all the other Barneys and it keeps you focused on training yourselves to serve campers.  Steve and I have been journeying along with the Drivers and Trainees.  They are two weeks behind you guys on the schedule.  Just wanted to encourage and challenge those who I haven't seen posting that much to pick it up!!!! I know it is tough but even if you post just what you liked out of the scriptures or the Devotional by re-typing it at least we know you are pushing yourself!  Keep it up, you will be glad for it the day your session is done.  God Bless and keep it up or pick it up (Depending on who you are)



Today's devotional covered one of my favorite passages- John 15:9-17
In eight verses, Christ mentions the word "love" a total of nine times! He says that he has loved us just as the Father has loved him and he commands us to love each other with that same love. God has this crazy, incomprehensible pure love for everyone on earth and he displayed that unconditional and unmerited love, THAT AGAPE LOVE, through Christ. And that's just the beginning! Through Christ, God offers another kind of love, PHILEO, a very personal kind of love.

Yes, He loves me! He loves me enough to die but He died so that we might love Him and each other in a new way, in an intimate way!

Jesus never held anything back from his disciples and he even says, "Now you are my FRIENDS since I have told you everything..." This is the kind of love we are to share with those closest to us. Right off the bat, God calls us to love EVERYONE, as unconditionally as he loves us (verse 12). That's Agape. But then he says, and this is my favorite verse of the whole passage, " THE GREATEST LOVE IS SHOWN WHEN PEOPLE LAY DOWN THEIR LIVES FOR THEIR FRIENDS". That's Phileo.

The meaning of this verse is two-fold:
(1) Observation- Jesus is hinting at his death and what he is going to do for all of us. He says "this is what I'm going to do for you because I love you and I'm asking you to love each other in the same way and I would never ask you to do anything I already haven't done first"
(2) Application- What does Jesus mean by "lay down your lives"? Does he mean he literally wants us to die? NO! But he does want us to die to ourselves. To set aside our emotions, our entitlement, our desires, our own plans, our EVERYTHING! for HIM and for those that around us.

He wants us to be personal and real. VULNERABLE! SACRIFICIAL!
He doesn't want us to hold anything back!
To love all as He loves all but especially to love those around us and to be present with them as he is present with us.

That's what this all about! :)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I Am...Megan. Period.

Here are a few things I have been pondering and praying about lately...

"Your identity is in Christ and Christ alone."

This a phrase (along with many other "spiritual phrases") that gets thrown around a lot. If you're anything like me, every now and then you have a mini identity crisis. I'm in one of those right now. And I say that with not intention of asking for your pity or for you to feel sorry for me, but you are more than welcome to pray for me. God is teaching me a lot of new things about myself right now and I'm learning to unlearn. So, this identity crisis is a good thing. But here's an image for you my friend Cathleen shared with me. You know how when a mother gives birth and holds her baby in her arms for the first time? That mother is so utterly in love with that baby and what has it done for her? Nothing. Absolutely nothing but be her child. Now put yourself in the place of that infant and God in the place of that mother. It's the same thing, but in a more intense way that no human will ever be capable of loving. That is where your identity comes from.

Too often we fall into this lie that we are defined by what we do or what we're good at, and even what we don't or what we're bad at. When you introduce yourself to someone and when they ask you to tell a little bit about yourself, you list off the basics, but that's not your identity. We are loved my God simply because. He holds us in his arms and by simply being his child, that is enough for him to love us.

I guess I just wanted to convey that if anyone has been struggling with this notion of "who am I," that one, it's a good thing you're struggling with this question. It puts you in a place of humility. And have hope! One day it'll hit you like a shock wave, a shock wave that I'm waiting for too. I know in my head who am I, but I want it to be engraved forever on my heart.

And two, do not let your talents, your positions, your characteristics, or your past be your identity. Those things will always be apart of you, but the core of who you are is so deeply rooted in Christ. It's so mysterious that it's nearly impossible to wrap our minds around.

And to tie this in to servant leadership (as we all are journeying through together as we prepare for houseboats), I would like to suggest that being leaders is not our identity. It might be what we identify with, but we are children of God regardless of our positions or titles.

Be praying for me please that not only will I know this, but live and bask in this.

Thank you :-)

And your prayers are in my hearts as well. Be blessed.

Came to the Rescue

So to be honest, these last couple weeks haven't been the easiest.
I feel like God has been challenging me like never before... like I'm down and I can't get up! I've been presented with so many questions and I feel like I don't have an answer for any of them. Whenever an answer seems to arise, it just brings up another question. I've tried ignoring the problem and getting over it in my own way but I can't! I can't solve anything on my own.

Today I was so distraught and in that depression, I sought God. I didn't know where else to go- there was nowhere else. I hadn't written in prayer journal in a while so I thought that would be the best place to start. I flipped through the pages and as I did, I read some of my old prayers from the last few months. I came across one dated January 17, 2011, and it was my first prayer entree about Sonshine. This is what I prayed:

Praise Your Name! You are the Father who answers prayers. Thank you for Sonshine Ministries and this awesome opportunity to serve. Mold me. Use me. Refine me and define me, Lord!... I want to draw nearer to you, Lord. I want to be dependent on your word for every action. Let your Holy Spirit keep me accountable.

Another entree followed along the same lines and said:

Break me, Lord. Mold me and make me. Challenge me and test me. Purify me!... Open my ears as to better hear your voice. Oh, how I NEED your voice! Father, I want to be more like you.

Today, as I reflected on where I currently stand in my faith, in a time of a lot of questions and challenges, and as I looked back and read these prayers from not too long ago, I was filled with this unexplainable joy! I read through these old prayers and I KNEW that as I read them over again, they were being answered right at that moment! I asked God to test me and that's exactly what He is doing, what He has been doing. In knowing that, I now know my pain has a purpose and that purpose is to have me draw nearer to my Lord!

I don't know if it sounds crazy, but God came to the rescue not by taking me out of a situation but by flipping my perspective on it. I took my eyes of the prize and focused on myself.
So, God, I want to give my focus back to you.

Guys, if you could help me out by just praying for endurance for me to finish this race and to find simply joy along the path it takes me, that would be so amazing. Thank you!

Thanks for the Sacrifice, Jesus

Hey Guys,

I love reading all of your thoughts and hearing about how the Lord is moving in your lives as we travel through this study together! I was at college group last night and God so invaded my heart and made me extra aware of our topic for this week, sacrifice. We sang In Christ Alone, and the lyrics speak for themselves:

In Christ alone my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This Cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm

What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand

In Christ alone, who took on flesh
Fullness of God in helpless Babe
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones He came to save

?Til on that cross as Jesus died
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live, I live

There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave He rose again

And as He stands in victory
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ

No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From a life's first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny

No power of hell, no scheme of man
Could ever pluck me from His hand
'Til He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I stand

Thanks for that ultimate sacrifice, Father, and may I stand in Your power because of Your Sacrifice.
Hello all,
I am a new member of this wonderful team! God has worked so much to get me to this point and to be able to serve with this ministry! I am so excited! I look forward to meeting all of you in person and I am continually praying for all that God is going to do in us and through us this summer. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity Lord!
Lauren Traurig

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

All You Need Is Love dododododo

So many people treat love like it is something that needs to be earned, like love can't happen over night and should be given only to a few select people. But this belief is completely and utterly false. Jesus loves everyone from the moment we are created, so why can't we love each other unconditionally? God gives us the gift of his grace. We have sinned, we have turned our backs from God and yet he is still full of so much love, just waiting for us to realize it and turn around and run to him. In Ephesians 3 Paul asks his fellow followers in christ not to be sad because of his suffering but he lifts up his suffering in the glory of God's name. How cool is that! I wish every time I was down instead of thinking of myself I could look to God and praise him for his never-ending love and mercy. Heres the thing, I've tried it and it works. I can be having a horrible day and as soon as I turn my heart to God and think about how much he loves me, read his word, or surround myself with his community, immediately my heart changes. When our eyes are on God we can't help but see his love and be joyous. So love others because God loves you.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The act of humility and the idea of humbleness are two of the many things that I love about Jesus. He was so humble, all the time. It's great.

There is definitely a clear connection between serving and humility. Serving is looked at as degrading. Jesus washed his follower's dirty feet, back in the day when feet were probably way dirtier than they are today. That foot washing situation could be looked at as humiliating, but not to Jesus, and it should be the same with us.
I have always strived to be a humble person, and I feel like I'm constantly reminded that there is a need to be humble. The world is full of boastful, proud people that it can be easy to get caught up in things that "they" have done. When in reality it was what God did and what God provided. Humility is kind of like a fast track one lane highway to God's ideas and thoughts for you.

When someone is humble, people notice. They notice the serving attitude, and willingness to put one's self behind others. Kindness comes from humility. You can't help but be kind while being humble. Try it.


Well this week has been weird to say the least. Although I was not close to the boy who passed away this week, it was a very emotional week. I had a lot of time to think and the biggest thing that was weighing on my mind was the concept of heaven and hell. It seems so simple....if you know God then you have a free pass to heaven. If you don't then you don't. But isn't that harsh? Then I am reminded that God although he is Love and is Compassionate he is also the God of anger...if you don't follow his will by accepting him into your heart then you by defenition cannot go into heaven. This made me realize that there are some people very close to me that may not go to heaven and what a wake up call that was! Share with the ones you love so you can spend eternity with them. I thought this was a good reminder so I thought I'd share =] These blogs are so encouraging throughout the week so thanks everyone for posting =] okay on to humility. I believe that Jesus was obviously the best example of humility. Every action he did he would say "go tell people about God but don't tell them I healed you." He didn't want the glory he wanted God to have the glory. This is something I have to constantly remind myself. Everything I do is for God not me! The fact that jesus rides in on a donkey I feel is important. I feel like sometimes I ride in on a stallion. Uhhhhh...not good. Jesus is on a donkey. haha I know that sounds weird but think about it get off your/my high horse and bow down to the almighty maker! this is what I was reminded of constantly when reading this week. I have an interesting train of thought! oh and wash your friends feet but start with the traitor/ enemy...uh what seriously. the traitor. humilty is defiinitely my biggest struggle so keep me accountable
Love you all!! 52 days till memorial day weekend =]


I want to be like Isaiah. "And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?' Then I said, 'Here am I! Send me.'" This is the reaction I want to have all the time with God. Sometimes, I feel him calling me to do something, but I don't do it because I just figure that someone else will do it or will be more capable of doing it. But the reality is that God when I feel God calling me to do something, he wants ME to do it. Isaiah has such an awesome attitude. He is so willing and has a desire to serve God in any way possible. He is a great example of what I want my relationship with Christ to be like, and I am working on having this same desire to serve Him ALL the time just like Isaiah does. This is also a great reminder for what it will be like this summer, because I might be put in situations with campers that I don't feel completely capable of being able to handle, but I need to remember that God put me there for a reason and I need to take advantage of those opportunities to grow in my faith and help others grow in theirs.