Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Modest Simplicity

"The simple communication of knowledge is brilliance"

"The temptation occurs when the disciple desires for people to lust over the disciple's ideas ABOUT GOD instead of falling in love WITH GOD. Please cloak your brilliant insights about Christ with modest simplicity".

The concept of being modestly simplicitic is so intreaging to me. I remember that this topic was really impactful for a lot of you during the training weekend. There are two common scenarios that we can fall in when it comes to applying knowledge. I think we either 1) Loose ourselves in trying to be, sound, or appear highly spiritual with our words, or 2) We feel inadequate about the lack of knowledge we feel we have about our faith. I know that I can fall into both of these from time to time. I think I've come to the conclusion that both perspectives are missing the mark a little and can cause us to fix our attention on ourselves and off of Christ. We are called to share about Christ, but when we fixate so much about how we appear that we take all the focus off of Him. We all can fall into these and need to take on the art of being modestly simplistic.

Its important to share truth, but when we do it modestly it provides a gentle atmosphere for people to learn about God with out being intimidated. Being modest also gives us freedom in sharing truth. We can be modest and not play into the pressure that we have to share a bunch of knowledge. We are free to share bits and pieces that we have learned along the way, and that's it.

I hope this encourages some of you. I know there are times where we feel inadequate or like we lack knowledge and faith. But we are called to be modest and some times "short and sweet" can be more impactful then anything. Trust that you can share the things you've learned and know about God, no matter how great or small.

I am really liking this concept of being Modestly simplistic!!!!

Love you all!

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