First I wanna say, I really liked Micaela's post about people who asked Jesus if they could wait and do something important before they followed him. But he said that it was more important to trust him to take care of it than to take care of their problems on their own. And the phone analogy really hit me. Especially when she said that you do not even take your Bible! I mean normally we would think of that as a given right? But its more important that we trust God to provide EVERYTHING. And it really made me realize how LITTLE I trust him right now!
I have just started a work out regiment called P90x so I also really love Andy's statement about "spirtitual push-ups"! I can totally relate! Physical, mental OR spiritual FITNESS is a SLOW process! It takes detication and hard work. Not giving up ever. God does not give up on us, why do we give ourselves and excuse to give up on him?
Lastly, to I want to continue my post about the problem with making time for GOD in addition to my new goal, which is making time to HEAL from my past. I loved the daily scripture of Thursday. Nehemiah 9:1-3 talks about God's people, fasting all day, repenting, and spending ALL day just worshiping the Lord, and coming back to Him. It is really relaxing when you realize that responsibility is NOT on you, but on God. You can take the time you need just to rest in him and wait for His call, not worrying about "wasting time", because you never are wasting time if you're doing God's will for your life, listening to His still small voice. Also in Romans 10:1-13 it says that "Anyone who trusts in the Lord will never be put to shame." We will never fail if we live in Him. It also remembers of another theory we learned from the retreat. That being trapped in a "pressure cooker" eventually creates an explosion, and out bursts the will and love of God.
Another thing I was having trouble with was feeling like I had no visible talents and so I felt a little worthless. I knew I was good at some things, but I didn't feel like my talents were special or unique. Then I read a devotional that spoke about how everyone is good at something else. It said that everyone has a different strengths and weakneses because the Lord has different tasks for all of us so that we can mature and grow together as a team of God's workers. We can try to work toward getting better at something that isn't our strength, but only if we are able to do it without detriment to our real strengths. Since we have a reason for having it, we should use it for the God that created us with that talent.
Lastly I love from Tuesday's devotion that "eternity is hardwired into us." We were never meant to be able to handle this short life in this world on our own. We need God to hold our timeline in perspective and keep us on track to achieve what he has planned for us.
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