Thursday, April 7, 2011

I Am...Megan. Period.

Here are a few things I have been pondering and praying about lately...

"Your identity is in Christ and Christ alone."

This a phrase (along with many other "spiritual phrases") that gets thrown around a lot. If you're anything like me, every now and then you have a mini identity crisis. I'm in one of those right now. And I say that with not intention of asking for your pity or for you to feel sorry for me, but you are more than welcome to pray for me. God is teaching me a lot of new things about myself right now and I'm learning to unlearn. So, this identity crisis is a good thing. But here's an image for you my friend Cathleen shared with me. You know how when a mother gives birth and holds her baby in her arms for the first time? That mother is so utterly in love with that baby and what has it done for her? Nothing. Absolutely nothing but be her child. Now put yourself in the place of that infant and God in the place of that mother. It's the same thing, but in a more intense way that no human will ever be capable of loving. That is where your identity comes from.

Too often we fall into this lie that we are defined by what we do or what we're good at, and even what we don't or what we're bad at. When you introduce yourself to someone and when they ask you to tell a little bit about yourself, you list off the basics, but that's not your identity. We are loved my God simply because. He holds us in his arms and by simply being his child, that is enough for him to love us.

I guess I just wanted to convey that if anyone has been struggling with this notion of "who am I," that one, it's a good thing you're struggling with this question. It puts you in a place of humility. And have hope! One day it'll hit you like a shock wave, a shock wave that I'm waiting for too. I know in my head who am I, but I want it to be engraved forever on my heart.

And two, do not let your talents, your positions, your characteristics, or your past be your identity. Those things will always be apart of you, but the core of who you are is so deeply rooted in Christ. It's so mysterious that it's nearly impossible to wrap our minds around.

And to tie this in to servant leadership (as we all are journeying through together as we prepare for houseboats), I would like to suggest that being leaders is not our identity. It might be what we identify with, but we are children of God regardless of our positions or titles.

Be praying for me please that not only will I know this, but live and bask in this.

Thank you :-)

And your prayers are in my hearts as well. Be blessed.

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