There is definitely a clear connection between serving and humility. Serving is looked at as degrading. Jesus washed his follower's dirty feet, back in the day when feet were probably way dirtier than they are today. That foot washing situation could be looked at as humiliating, but not to Jesus, and it should be the same with us.
I have always strived to be a humble person, and I feel like I'm constantly reminded that there is a need to be humble. The world is full of boastful, proud people that it can be easy to get caught up in things that "they" have done. When in reality it was what God did and what God provided. Humility is kind of like a fast track one lane highway to God's ideas and thoughts for you.
When someone is humble, people notice. They notice the serving attitude, and willingness to put one's self behind others. Kindness comes from humility. You can't help but be kind while being humble. Try it.
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