Sunday, April 3, 2011


Well this week has been weird to say the least. Although I was not close to the boy who passed away this week, it was a very emotional week. I had a lot of time to think and the biggest thing that was weighing on my mind was the concept of heaven and hell. It seems so simple....if you know God then you have a free pass to heaven. If you don't then you don't. But isn't that harsh? Then I am reminded that God although he is Love and is Compassionate he is also the God of anger...if you don't follow his will by accepting him into your heart then you by defenition cannot go into heaven. This made me realize that there are some people very close to me that may not go to heaven and what a wake up call that was! Share with the ones you love so you can spend eternity with them. I thought this was a good reminder so I thought I'd share =] These blogs are so encouraging throughout the week so thanks everyone for posting =] okay on to humility. I believe that Jesus was obviously the best example of humility. Every action he did he would say "go tell people about God but don't tell them I healed you." He didn't want the glory he wanted God to have the glory. This is something I have to constantly remind myself. Everything I do is for God not me! The fact that jesus rides in on a donkey I feel is important. I feel like sometimes I ride in on a stallion. Uhhhhh...not good. Jesus is on a donkey. haha I know that sounds weird but think about it get off your/my high horse and bow down to the almighty maker! this is what I was reminded of constantly when reading this week. I have an interesting train of thought! oh and wash your friends feet but start with the traitor/ enemy...uh what seriously. the traitor. humilty is defiinitely my biggest struggle so keep me accountable
Love you all!! 52 days till memorial day weekend =]

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