Thursday, March 17, 2011

the aroma of Christ !

Whats up Team Barnabas! I hope you have all had a blessed week, and that this finds you well. I Have had a crazy weak with midterms and all the shannagins that come along with that stuff.. I know its thursday but what really has stuck in my mind and been laid on my heart is mondays passage for meditation:
2 corinthians 2:15-16 " For we are to God the aroma of Christ those are being saved and those who are perishing. To one we are the smell of death; to the other the fragrance of life."

For me I always remember smells, wether its the first house i lived in, the first studio i ever recorded in, my dads cologne etc.... to this day if i smell these things it triggers in my head the memories and things I was experiencing at that time. It says numerous times that our hearts should be overflowing with Christ's love. And I love that imagery( ps im all about imagery!) but this verse sparked a question in my mind. What does the aroma of Christ smell like ? and Do I smell like it ?
I think when we continually seek and fall more and more into this divine romance with Jesus we begin to smell like the aroma of Christ. I feel like this is telling me that I should be so in love and hidden in Christ that people can smell it off me like i am wearing a cologne. It has been my prayer since reading this that I would be so filled up with the Lord Jesus and his Spirit that I would smell like him.
Thats kind of been my weak in a nut shell
God bless all of you

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