Monday, March 28, 2011


Griffin is a man of simple pleasures. He loves pizookies, the color purple and laughing. He is a man that never tries to magnify his problems but instead magnifies God so that the problems that are put before him are put into correct perspective before God. He looks at people and sees their beauty as children of God. He gives of himself without expecting anything in return, he loves without any form of prejudice, and serves selflessly just as our Christ asks us all to do. Griffin is a juggernaut of faith! He has challenged me, encouraged me, and modeled to so many the Christ lifestyle. HE IS A BARNABAS!!!
Yesterday, as I was reflecting on these last two weeks of devotions, Griffin came to mind. I was reading threw Matthew 22 where it says,"'You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind.'[WEEK 1] This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important:'Love your neighbor as yourself.'[WEEK2] The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments". These last two weeks have been incredible... God has made himself known in ways I've never experienced! The funny thing is that the reason these last two weeks have been so incredible and the reason God has made himself so known to me is because they have been two full weeks of the most difficult struggles and challenges I've been faced with... but I always had God and my buddy, Griffin, with me, cheering me on, by my side. From the LA Marathon to juggling a full schedule under a tight budget, God has pulled me through and I don't think I could have made it without the blessing He has delivered to me through such a great friend. Now I'm faced with one more challenge: keeping my head high and eyes on our Lord as one of my best friends and brothers in Christ, Griffin, leaves for the Navy today...
The man who has always given of himself and loved others passionately is off to serve again... not any individual person like before but his whole country. Although, I miss Griffin already, when I said goodbye to him today, God reassured me that this was not the end of ANYTHING!!! This is the beginning of something great and now is the time to lean on HIM above anything else for my strength for each day.
I'm telling you about my brother not to make you sad but to encourage you. I told Griffin everything about Sonshine and I how excited I am to serve with all of you. He's told me how excited he is for me and how great this summer is going to be, not just for me but, FOR ALL OF US! Whenever I see him, he'll always tell me about how he's praying over Sonshine and how he loves what God has planned for us all. I know these prayers will come to pass! I know God will continue to reveal Himself to all of us. I know Griffin is going to make it make back home in one piece!
This is going to be great guys. SO GOOD! God is with us.

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