Sunday, March 27, 2011

This was supposed to post last night, but...alas it obivously didn't so, here it is now

In these last few years i've become aware of one of the biggest pitfalls of humanity, it leads to almost every sin committed (if not all). It's pride, it's looking at the good in ourselves and ignoring it in others. One thing that i've struggled with the most recently is seeing the good in those that have betrayed me. These last few months God has really just pushed and pushed for me to give up all the hurt and see that the people that have hurt are still created and loved by him, and in my case, they are his children.

Tuesday/thursday-I think i may have found a very common thread in this whole ministry, "it's not about us" it's not about our pain, our past, our future. It is about the light that shines within us, the light that i know i constantly hide from the world, the light that keeps me going in the darkest times, in the pain. That is the purpose of everything we do. To shine that same redeeming light into the lives of those people around us

Wednesday- As soon as we make a commitment to Christ, we agree to sever all ties with this world, we merely live here, we are not from here. But that also means we have to sever our ties with our wordly desires that come inherently with our bodies. As soon as that happens, as soon as we die to ourselves, then we can truly witness to the darkest places because our bodys aren't getting in the way anymore.

Friday-I think this was probably my favorite, and most inspiring day. Mainly because the devil constantly tells me that i've done nothing right. But God says that what we do doesn't make us who we are. It's our choice to let Him invade our lives and fix what we have broken, to realize that no, we can't do things on our own. I always have to remind myself that the best way to show Gods love, is to show people what He has done in my life, not what i have done for Him.

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