Sunday, March 13, 2011

Continuing to Give Ourselves Away!

A major point that I got out of this weekend is the reminder that we must continue to give ourselves away. We are called to take up our cross and follow Jesus. He is our example of a sacrificial servant that continually gives himself away. As we use this devotional, scripture, and blog to equip us with characteristics needed for this summer; we must also remember that these are characteristics for our lives. You are being trained and equipped to serve at Sonshine, but more importantly you are being trained and equipped to serve for life. So as you read and study each week begin to find ways to add these characteristics to your day to day life.

Thank you all for being apart of the Barnabas training! All the Admin have been blessed in getting to know you face to face and hearing your lives this weekend. We look forward to growing and developing as the Lord's servants with you.

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