but God- THE ALL POWERFUL, MIGHTY AND PERFECT LORD OVER ALL THE UNIVERSE AND EVERYTHING IN IT!!!- allows Isaiah to stand in HIS AWESOME PRESENCE and then goes on to cleanse the man with a burning coal!
That's my God. That's my God.
That's my God. That's my God.
Isaiah's thought process throughout his vision:
"oh dear. OOH DEAR. This is it! I'm finished. There's no chance! I'm stained with earth and dirt..."
(ANGEL picks up burning coal with tongs)
"Yup. I KNEW IT! yessir yessir... this is the end. oh man!"
(coal touches Isaiah's lips)
(coal is lifted off)
"............. wait. hold the phone... I'm not dead...."
ANGEL says, "No... Now you're clean. Your debts are pardoned, your guilt has been removed, your sins have been forgiven! You are blameless before the Lord and set apart for Him. You don't belong to the world anymore... You are HIS and HE is yours."
I love this passage. I love it because I know, in the spiritual realm, this is exactly what happens when someone comes to Christ. This is what happens when I come before my God and beg for His forgiveness. The only difference now is that instead of a burning coal, it's the blood of Jesus Christ that wipes us clean. Saved by grace. Set apart for His work!
"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?'
And I said, 'Here am I. Send me!'"
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